Cyber ​​attacks on digital signage software

Vektor-Darstellung von einem Sicherheitsschloss und einer Hand, die darauf zeigt. Das Schloss ist umringt von abstrakten Kreisen und Symbolen.


Third-party software such as digital signage systems are increasingly the focus of hacker attacks. In the text below, we will explain how we protect ourselves - and our customers - from attacks and why Bütema has a decisive advantage over many other digital signage providers.

We offer our software as a managed service model, which means that the software is not integrated in the local system of our customers, but outsourced to the cloud.

In our preferred setting, the digital signage display PCs installed in the store are connected to their own WLAN and connect to our system via a local breakout. Since the communication is outbound, it only happens from the customer's data center to our retail core software, never the other way around. The security of the system is additionally increased by the restriction to only https addresses and port 443, as well as a termination limit.

In the event that a separate WLAN network for digital signage is not possible, the PCs in the store have additional security measures to prevent intrusion into the customer system. Windows Assigned Access, Bearer Token and Active Directory Authentication increase the security of the system.

We achieve this high security standard in digital signage due to our specialization as a full-service provider of digital signage and mobile ERP hardware and software. When it comes to ERP, the links to the customer system are complex and varied, which is why our retail core software is structured differently from how digital signage usually works. This results in a high security standard, with which we can minimize the risk of hacker attacks.

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