Eine Kundin hält eine EC-Karte vor das Bezahlterminal eines Self Checkout Terminals

Self Checkout


Mit dem Self Checkout Terminal haben Kunden die Möglichkeit Ware per Scanner zu erfassen and bargeldlos über ein Karten Terminal zu bezahlen. Das intuitive System führt den Kunden dabei durch den Checkout Prozess. Mitarbeiter haben die Möglichkeit mehrere Terminals gleichzeitig zu überwachen und stehen bei Fragen zur Verfügung. Nach dem erfolgreichen Kaufabschluss nimmt der Mitarbeiter die Ware zum Entfernen der Warensicherungen und Kleiderbügel entgegen und verpackt diese in Tragetaschen.

Icon, das auf die verkürzte Wartezeit an Self Checkout Kassen hinweist
Icon, das darauf hinweist, dass Kunden selbstbestimmt einkaufen möchten und deswegen Self Checkout Terminals bevorzugen

Reduction of waiting time when queuing to checkout.

Self checkout cashiers meet the demand for self-determination and flexibility.

Icon, das auf die verkürzte Wartezeit an Self Checkout Kassen hinweist

Reduction of waiting time when queuing to checkout.

Icon, das darauf hinweist, dass Kunden selbstbestimmt einkaufen möchten und deswegen Self Checkout Terminals bevorzugen

Self checkout cashiers meet the demand for self-determination and flexibility.

Icon, das beschreibt, dass Self Checkout Terminals Kundenberaterinnen und Kundenberater entlasten können
Icon, das beschreibt, wie platzsparend das Self Checkout Terminal ist.

Payment processes are optimized and employees can be flexibly deployed.

Takes up little space in the store.

Icon, das beschreibt, dass Self Checkout Terminals Kundenberaterinnen und Kundenberater entlasten können

Payment processes are optimized and employees can be flexibly deployed.

Icon, das beschreibt, wie platzsparend das Self Checkout Terminal ist.

Takes up little space in the store.

Since 2019


... the number of self checkouts has doubled in Germany's retail.



... of German food retailers already use self checkouts.

Less than


... of all checkouts in German retail stores, however, are self checkouts.


Employees can use the InStore Assistant to switch the self-service checkouts on or off, depending on whether the checkout is open or not. A note on the display refers customers to another checkout in the case of a closed terminal. Customers can use the intuitive system to scan articles quickly and easily. Article-related discounts such as 2 for 1, payment-dependent discounts, etc. are stored in the system and automatically taken into account when entering the articles or payment methods at the terminal. In addition, the customer card can be scanned to collect points or to get discounts linked to the customer account. To complete the purchase, the customer selects the desired cashless payment method such as card or online payment, vouchers, invoices, etc. The purchase process can be completed via a card reader. An employee can be requested using a help button. The advantage to this is that one shop assistant can supervise several checkouts at the same time and still has time to unlock and packs the goods for the customer.

Product features:

  • Reduces waiting time for customers
  • Takes up little space
  • Self checkouts meet customer needs for self-determination
  • When not in use, the terminals play digital signage content
  • Reduced personnel requirements at checkout: 1 employee for several checkouts
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