Ecological & Social



Our commitment to people and the environment is deeply rooted in the values of our company. We consider it our moral duty to protect the world in which we live and to conserve precious natural resources.

Our company has an ambitious goal in mind: we want to be climate-neutral by 2025. This is not just a vision, but a strategic promise that we are pursuing with passion and determination. Year after year, we implement concrete measures aimed at continuously reducing our carbon footprint.

Certified by TÜV Rheinland (Corporate Carbon Footprint)

Funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU


We are rooted in the Stuttgart region. That is why we support divers local organizations that help and support children and adults. 5 to 10% of our annual surplus goes to social projects.


Logo Deutsche Aidshilfe

Deutsche Aidshilfe

Logo Stadt Bietigheim-Bissingen

Stadt Bietigheim-Bissingen

Logo Aidshilfe Stuttgart

Aidshilfe Stuttgart e.V.

Logo Deutsche Krebshilfe

Deutsche Krebshilfe

Logo Hospiz Bietigheim-Bissingen

Hospiz Bietigheim-Bissingen

Verein Hospiz Sankt Martin

Hospiz Sankt Martin

Verein Hänsel+Gretel Deutsche Kinderschutzstiftung

Deutsche Kinderschutzstiftung

Logo Kirchenmusik an Sankt Laurentius

Kirchenmusik an Sankt Laurentius

Logo der Vereinigung Kleine Patienten in Not e.V.

Kleine Patienten in Not

With our own foundation 'Lernen um zu Leben' ('Learning to Live'), we have been doing our immediate part to support young people through educational and promotional measures since 2019. The mission of the foundation is to provide young people with a mentor, to arrange coaching and further educational offers and to support them with financial means.

Logo Lernen um zu Leben
Logo Verein zur Förderung von Jugendlichen mit besonderen sozialen Schwierigkeiten

Förderverein für Jugendliche

Logo Verein für Pädagogisches Segeln

Verein für Pädagogisches Segeln

Das andere Schulzimmer

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