Karstadt - GALERIA today - offers a wide range of items, from toys and housewares to fashion. Frequently changing promotions, naturally, come with this. The aim of the digital signage project is to implement new ads as quickly as possible, saving time and resources. At the same time, the branches are to be digitized to a high degree - both at sensitive customer touchpoints and for the sales staff.


The Karstadt department store chain initially started with a basic version of the InStore Assistant app for its sales staff. The app provides information about article prices, availability and other color variants. Furthermore, it offers the possibility to switch between different customer consultations and create customer cards.

Due to the constant expansion of the InStore Assistant, all processes can also be mapped:

  • Ingoing & outgoing goods
  • Goods relocation and returns processes
  • Inventory adjustments and transfers
  • Price adjustments
  • Label printing in various formats
  • Support for the entire inventory process, including documentation, taking into account internal and external counts (e.g. from inventory service providers)
  • Control of the digital signage devices (e.g. via push-to-screen function and allocations).

The framework conditions for the different processes can be managed flexibly and transactions can be monitored and finally completed after checking via the sovia backstore.

Ein Verkäufer scannt mit einem Mobilgerät ein Hangtag von einer Jacke, die von einer Kundin gehalten wird.

Digital signage also underwent quite the makeover: selected stores are being equipped with digital signage LED and LCD screens; in Berlin, a 4.5 x 2.5m LED wall is on display inside the shop window. An Interactive Fitting Room graces the newly established Experience Store area in Düsseldorf. Several branches are equipped with self-service terminals and digital counter cards.

Eventually, Bütema AG takes over all digital signage screens in all Galeria Karstadt Kaufhof branches.

Eine große LED Wand hängt in einem Schaufenster. Sie zeigt einen Mann, der ein Dessert zubereitet.


In 2021, GALERIA decided to successively expand and convert its branches as part of its brand realignment. All locations are divided into three categories (“world city house”, “regional magnet”, “regional forum”). The stores in Frankfurt/Main (Hauptwache), Kassel and Kleve serve as pilot branches for the new concepts.

Bütema AG was responsible for the development and installation of all new digital touchpoints in these three stores. Starting with digital signage formats in eye-catching large and special formats, through digital signposts to the premiere of MicroApps.

Highlights among these installations are not only their count (almost 200 displays were installed within a few weeks) but also a number of new developments:


All cash registers in the three GALERIA stores are equipped with Bluetooth buttons from flic Buttons. If a cashier presses the button at their cash register, he or she signals that the cash register is now free. The number of the next available checkout is shown to customers on a 22-inch display.

Ein Kassierer empfängt eine wartende Kundin an der Kasse. Die Kundin schaut auf einen Bildschirm, der ihr anzeigt, welche Kasse für sie frei ist.


This touch solution implements for the first time the 'MicroApp' feature that we developed in-house in 2021. In the backend of our digital signage software, users can use this function to design interactive solutions themselves without having to be implemented by support/development. Buttons are defined that trigger an action when activated (e.g. by touching). GALERIA uses the software to present their regional partners in Kassel.

Aufnahme der RegioPoint-Abteilung in einem Department-Store in Kassel. Hier kann man lokale Produkte kaufen.


Also based on the 'MicroApps' feature, smartwatches can be filtered and compared in Frankfurt/Main via a touch display. The various highlights of the watches that require explanation are presented at a glance.

Ein Mann bedient ein Touch-Display, das an einer Säule in einem Department-Store angebracht ist


suspended from the ceiling, double-sided displays adorn the aisles of the newly designed branches. In this way, the new, expanded GALERIA service can be communicated using moving images and changing information.

Kosmetikabteilung eines Department-Stores mit großen, von der Decke herabhängenden Bildschirmen, die Digital Signage Werbung ausspielen.


75 signposts were completely digitized in all three houses. The biggest asset is that the signposts can display up to 7 languages. There are touch and non-touch variants. With the latter, customers scan a QR code which displays a copy with a choice of languages on their smartphone. This offers enormous added value, especially in the cosmopolitan city of Frankfurt/Main with a high density of foreign tourists. Changing offers can be shown on banners above and below the floor displays.

Ein Mann steht vor einem Digitalen Wegweiser, der an einer Wand hängt und die Übersicht über die Etagen eines Department-Stores zeigt. Der Mann hält ein Smartphone in seiner Hand, auf dem eine Kopie des Digitalen Wegweisers zu sehen ist.


Digital signage screens from counter card to LED wall are installed. Advertising campaigns can be displayed quickly, easily, flexibly and centrally.

Self-service terminals and interactive fitting rooms offer customers information points where they can browse the wide range of products of the department store chain.

In addition to the simple labeling of goods prices, the staff on the floor and 'behind the scenes' can now map the entire flow of goods up to large-scale annual inventories with the InStore Assistant app.


Digital Fitting Room >

Ein Icon, das für den Digitalen Spiegel steht

product advisor >

Ein icon, das einen flic Button darstellt

Self Service Terminal  >

Icon, das ein Self Service Terminal darstellt

Digital Counter Card  >

Icon, das für die Digital Counter Card steht


In this proof of concept, GALERIA relies on the following solutions from Bütema AG:

InStore Assistant App  >

  • All merchandise management processes & mERP applications
  • Supporting employees in sales talks
  • Upselling and crosselling
  • Digital shelf extension via counter cards
  • For handling the omnichannel processes Click & Collect, Click & Reserve, Return to Retail

Digital Signage  >

  • Content management with soviaRetail
  • Quick and centralized content control
  • Digital advertising displays (LED and LCD) for product presentations

Self Service  >

  • Price checker
  • Product advisors like Flic Buttons and MicroApp applications
  • Digital Fitting Room

Smart Data

  • Merging and synchronization of data from different systems
  • Provision of the current inventory
  • Generating meaningful KPIs
  • Analyzing, preparing and evaluating KPIs

Design & Development

  • Interface to the merchandise management system and online shop
  • Implementation of software technologies to internal processes
  • Data interface to digital end devices and apps
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