We create software, processes and workflows for the emotionalisation, advice and optimal handling of shopping experiences in retail. The focus is on the perfect consumer experience and the best possible integration into the store concept, as well as supporting customer advisors with sales apps.

In this way, we achieve a modern shopping experience for our customers and optimally tailored branch processes for our partners to improve frequency, receipt sales and merchandise management.

Our team currently consists of over 70 employees. Our company's headquarters are located in Bietigheim-Bissingen since 2010.

In 2023, our turnover reached 16.5 million euros.

Porträt Dirk Frintrop, Vorstandsvorsitzender der Bütema AG

Dirk Frintrop (Chairman)

Porträt Lutz Hollmann-Raabe, COO/CSO der Bütema AG

Lutz Hollmann-Raabe (CSO, COO)

Porträt Patrick Schiller, CTO der Bütema AG

Patrick Schiller (CTO)



In 2002 the management buyout for Bütema AG takes place. The business areas of software, barcode printers and readers and MDE devices are taken over in the new stock corporation. The focus is on wholesale and retail customers.

Later, the business area sovia Solutions is being expanded with a clear focus on retail and mobile merchandise management. The previous main area for trading barcode products is combined under the brand name BarcodeChannel and continued thus.


Bütema AG focuses on processes and solutions for fashion and lifestyle retail. The range of software and hardware is continuously being expanded.


The company adapts the claim "Consumer centric Retailing". At the same time, Bütema AG now strategically focuses exclusively on fashion and lifestyle retail. The development of the product soviaRetail begins.


The focus is now on the development of the RetailCore platform. New products are added almost every year: LED and LCD screens as well as suitable holders, touch screens, IoT buttons, sensors, RFID technology, AI-supported features and much more


The marketing activities are supplemented with InStore Consulting. The team advises retail customers on digital touchpoint strategies and content creation as well as the effective use of the Bütema digital signage software.


In April 2021, Head of Sales Lutz Hollmann-Raabe is appointed to the board. He's responsible for the areas of sales, marketing and professional service hardware and now hold the titles of Chief Operations Officer (COO) and Chief Sales Officer (CSO). As Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Dirk Frintrop continues to be responsible for development.

The year 2021 brings a number of innovations. For example, payment solutions (self-checkout, mobile checkout) have been implemented as well as the digital signpost, IoT buttons and output processing. With the update to 5.2.0, the digital signage backend will receive the Self Service Configurator and the InStore Assistant app will be expanded to include the Communication Centre. Digital access control is implemented in record time to support retailers in meeting the increased challenges posed by the coronavirus crisis.


Over twenty new colleagues have been hired in recent months; Bütema AG will grow to 66 team members in 2022. On 1 September, Patrick Schiller joins the management team as the 3rd member of the Management Board (CTO).


Die Bütema AG feiert ihr 20jähriges Jubiläum.
Die Mitarbeiterzahl ist auf über 70 Kolleginnen und Kollegen gestiegen.


When developing new products and services as well as supporting existing customers, we make sure that all environmental and climate impacts are kept as low as possible and that our products make a positive contribution to environmental and climate protection.

Bütema AG sees itself as an active member of society and is therefore involved in various ways. Among other things, donations and other forms of social engagement are provided. We do not make any financial contributions to political parties, or party-like organizations, or to mandate holders or candidates for political offices in Germany or abroad.

Equal opportunities and the rejection of discrimination are firmly anchored in our corporate values. No one is discriminated against on the basis of gender, age, skin color, culture, ethnic origin, sexual identity, disability, religious affiliation or belief.

We respect internationally recognized human rights, dignity and personal rights and support their observance. We are committed to fair working conditions, including equal pay, regulation of working hours and protection of privacy.

We ensure a healthy and risk-free working environment for our employees. Occupational safety and health protection are an integral part of all operations from the very beginning - already in the planning phase - in the technical, economic and social considerations of each partner.

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