Digital Signage Hardware

Whether large or small, LED or LCD, single or double-sided: we have the perfect digital signage screens for you.

Professional digital signage and DooH hardware must run reliably 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Professional digital signage and DooH hardware must run reliably 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

LED panels can be used to create breathtaking digital signage displays in special formats

LED panels can be used to create breathtaking digital signage displays in special formats

Rent video walls and benefit from a complete 360-degree service

Rent video walls and benefit from a complete 360-degree service

Digital signage from 10-inch shelf displays to 100-inch LCD screens

Von 10-Zoll Display fürs Regal bis zu 100-Zoll Bildschirmen für ein digitales Schaufenster

Hardware for self-service terminals

Hardware for self-service terminals

What is digital signage?

Digital signage refers to the use of digital screens to present content such as images, videos or text to a targeted audience. This contemporary method of communicating information utilises digital screens to present content effectively and attractively. 

Digital signage is controlled via centralised content management software (CMS). Media players enable the content to be played, while digital signage hardware such as LCD screens or LED walls display the content for customers and consumers. 

Classic application examples of the various digital signage screens

Einseitige LCD-Displays: Der Klassiker im Digital Signage. In verschiedenen Größen verfügbar, finden sie Einsatz im Einzelhandel, in Unternehmen, auf Messen und Events. 

Doppelseitige LCD-Displays: Diese Displays bieten doppelseitige Sichtbarkeit und sind ideal für den Einsatz auf Messen oder in Schaufenstern. Die Displays sind gleichzeitig nach innen und außen gerichtet, was bedeutet, dass sie sowohl Kunden im Geschäft als auch außerhalb ansprechen. Dies erhöht die Reichweite der Werbebotschaften und kann mehr potenzielle Kunden ansprechen. 

Schaufensterdisplays: Diese speziellen Displays sind so konzipiert, dass sie auch bei direkter Sonneneinstrahlung gut lesbar sind und eine hohe Helligkeit bieten. 

Interaktive Bildschirme: Interaktive Displays mit Touchfunktion eignen sich hervorragend für Selbstbedienungsterminals, wie den Self-Checkout oder Produktabfragen, digitale Wegeleitsysteme oder als Gamification-Tools. 

LED Videowalls: Diese können aus einzelnen LED-Paneelen beliebig zusammengesetzt und angeordnet werden. Sie dienen als Showstopper und Highlight zur großflächigen Werbung in Einkaufszentren, Informationsanzeigen an Flughäfen und Bahnhöfen sowie als Bühnendisplays für Events und Messen. 

Spezielle Outdoor-Displays mit Schutzgehäusen: Ideal für die Kommunikation in Städten. Dank hoher Helligkeit und Entspiegelung sind die Inhalte auch bei Sonneneinstrahlung gut sichtbar. Wind- und wetterfeste Gehäuse halten jeder Witterung und Temperaturschwankungen stand. 

Choosing the right type of display depends on the specific requirements such as location, content and type of use. Thanks to the wide range of hardware options, the possibilities of digital signage are almost limitless

Why is special hardware necessary for digital signage?

In addition to smooth digital signage software, permanently functional hardware is also essential for the success of digitalisation. Hardware for professional use is essential for the following reasons: 

Zuverlässigkeit und Dauerbetrieb: Digital Signage Systeme sind für den 24/7 Dauerbetrieb ausgelegt. Daher benötigen sie robuste und langlebige Hardware, die für den Dauereinsatz konzipiert ist. Herkömmliche Consumer-Displays sind nicht für den Dauerbetrieb geeignet und können schnell ausfallen. 

Hohe Bildqualität: Digital Signage erfordert hochauflösende Displays mit exzellenter Bildqualität, um Inhalte wirkungsvoll darzustellen. Professionelle Displays bieten höhere Helligkeits- und Kontrastwerte, sowie breitere Betrachtungswinkel als Consumer-Fernseher. 

Anpassbarkeit und Erweiterbarkeit: Digital Signage Hardware ist modular aufgebaut und lässt sich durch Bestückungsoptionen, Gehäuse oder Halterungen an spezifische Anforderungen anpassen, z.B. für den Außeneinsatz. 

Leistungsfähige Mediaplayer: Für die reibungslose Wiedergabe von Multimedia-Inhalten, insbesondere in hohen Auflösungen, sind leistungsstarke Mediaplayer erforderlich, die Standardhardware oft nicht bietet. 

Fernwartung und Sicherheit: Digital Signage Systeme müssen aus der Ferne überwacht und verwaltet werden können. Spezielle Hardware bietet dafür die nötigen Schnittstellen und Sicherheitsfunktionen. 

In summary, hardware designed specifically for digital signage is more robust, powerful and customisable than standard hardware, enabling reliable and effective digital signage solutions. 

What makes Bütema AG's digital signage hardware special?

Our product portfolio includes market-leading manufacturers such as Intel, Sharp/NEC and Samsung. We are not exclusively tied to one hardware supplier, but evaluate the individual requirements for each project together with our customers and select the ideal hardware. 

Our aim is to create an all-round carefree package for our customers. That's why our work doesn't stop at providing the right display, but only when all individual requirements have been met and everything is perfectly installed and integrated into the shop. 

We therefore manufacture customised floor and ceiling mounts according to customer requirements. This also means that we can supply the enclosures in all RAL colours. Aesthetic aspects such as panelling for cables and computers are just as important to us. 

Part of our service is that we take care of all the components of your digital signage project. This means that you can expect both the 80-inch screen and the last screw on the ceiling mount from us. Peripheral devices are of course included, such as: flic buttons, RFID antennas and chips, ceiling sensors, all cables and payment terminals. 

The advantages of our digital signage hardware

Made to operate 24/7

Robust hardware and software that guarantee uninterrupted 24/7 operation. 

All hardware from a single source

Everything from a single source: displays, media players and accessories for uncomplicated installation and operation.

Use your existing hardware

Compatible with existing hardware to minimise investment costs.

Special displays for shop windows

High-brightness displays for shop windows that remain visible even in direct sunlight.

Made to operate 24/7

All hardware from a single source

Use your existing hardware

Special displays for shop windows

Robust hardware and software that guarantee uninterrupted 24/7 operation. 

Everything from a single source: displays, media players and accessories for uncomplicated installation and operation.

Compatible with existing hardware to minimise investment costs.

High-brightness displays for shop windows that remain visible even in direct sunlight.

Additional advantages and features

Professional devices from Samsung, NEC/Sharp, ELO, Pyramid, ...

Not tied to a specific manufacturer

LCDs, LEDs, touch-enabled devices

All standard inch sizes and special formats

UHD and 4K devices

Windows & Android

Managed service included

Hardware pool guarantees fast replacement

Fixtures in RAL colours possible

Seamless integration into shopfitting

Wall-mounted, suspended from the ceiling, free-standing on a base

Not tied to a specific manufacturer

UHD and 4K devices

Fixtures in RAL colours possible

LCDs, LEDs, touch-enabled devices

Hardware pool guarantees fast replacement

Seamless integration into shopfitting

Professional devices from Samsung, NEC/Sharp, ELO, Pyramid, ...

Managed service included

Wall-mounted, suspended from the ceiling, free-standing on a base

All standard inch sizes and special formats

Windows & Android

Arrange a non-binding demo appointment now. We look forward to introducing you to the basics of Bütema digital signage software and our hardware solutions in a short meeting.

Your personal contact

Bütema AG Head of Marketing Christian Brand

Christian Brand

These projects have already been realised with our solutions


Selected Galeria shops were fitted with digital signage LED and LCD screens. In Berlin, there is a 4.5 x 2.5 metre LED wall in the shop window. The new Experience Store in Düsseldorf offers a digital fitting room. Several shops have been equipped with self-service terminals and digital counter cards.


After a successful test phase, Rossmann decided in favour of the widespread use of signage screens. The double-sided displays were the main winners.


The digital signage displays inside the store are used by BabyOne to draw attention to product features, e.g. in the stroller or car seat area. On the displays behind the cash register, topics such as cashless payments or customer cards are offered.

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