The benefits of digital solutions in retail are undisputed. But how exactly displays, apps and shop window installations emotionalize and support customers and employees only becomes clear in the specific application.
The following case study on the use of digital solutions at a baby and children's outfitter shows in 3 stages how digital solutions can be established.
It's a sunny autumn day in November and Sandra is enjoying a leisurely stroll through Düsseldorf's lively city center accompanied by her son Max. While Sandra pushes the baby carriage, Max strolls alongside, picking up colorful autumn leaves from the sidewalk. Their path leads them past the shop window of a baby outfitter, where an eye-catching display advertises the latest winter jackets. Mannequins in the shop window are wearing the warm jackets and the display catches Sandra's attention. As autumn has been unexpectedly mild so far, Sandra has not yet bought a winter jacket for Max. The reliable quality and the pleasant shopping experience she has already had in this store - after all, she bought Max's baby carriage here - convince her to enter the store.
Sandra quickly finds her way around the store. She discovers a jacket that she likes and which fits Max like a glove. With the warm jacket in her hand, she makes her way to the checkout to pay for her purchase. On the way there, Sandra notices another screen displaying the company's latest Instagram posts. One post shows a child sitting in front of an educational plate with four practical compartments - exactly what Sandra has been looking for. Sandra quickly finds the plate she is looking for in the tableware section. Right next to the children's tableware section are the child seats. Sandra had already thought about buying an extra child seat for Grandma and Grandpa's car so that they can pick Max up from nursery when Sandra goes back to work. She hadn't given the subject much thought yet and isn't sure whether she needs a seat. That's why she doesn't want to seek personal advice at the moment, but wants to look around for herself first. She discovers a touch terminal in front of the child seats. It shows a child seat advisor that narrows down the choice of seats by asking simple questions such as the age of the child, the possibility of adapting the children grow, and rear-facing travel. The reboarders with a swivel mechanism, which are also shown on the screen on the back wall, arouse Sandra's interest as they would make it easier for Grandma and Grandpa to lift Max out of the seat. Sandra particularly likes a seat from cybex. As the seat is only available online, Sandra takes a photo to show Grandma and Grandpa. In the evening, she plans to order the seat online as it is currently 25% off. Sandra's shopping is now complete and with a satisfied smile on their faces, Max and Sandra head to the checkout to complete their purchases.
It's an ordinary Monday morning and Anton, Retail Manager at a baby outfitter, starts his working day. He uses the Power BI connection of the baby outfitter's digital signage displays to export the latest statistics on the last month's displays. The baby outfitter has made agreements with several suppliers to receive advertising subsidies for advertising on the digital signage displays. This win-win situation allows the store to generate additional revenue and recoup the investment in digitalization, while the suppliers have additional opportunities to promote their products. Anton is delighted with how Power BI makes his job easier and how easy it is to manage the grants. Anton has an important final meeting today to integrate a retail media provider into the digital signage strategy. The provider enables brands from all over the world to advertise on screens, while the baby outfitter acts as a screen manager and makes its screens available for advertising. This allows the company to earn money immediately after the connection. Anton plans to control the advertisements so that they match the target group in the stores. Of course, he doesn't just want to use the screens for external companies, but mainly for the baby outfitter's own content. However, selected advertisements can reinforce the message of being THE point of contact from pregnancy to toddlerhood. Anton can well imagine target group-related topics such as children's savings accounts or household help services. He is looking forward to the collaboration and expects that the digital signage displays will have paid for themselves after just two years thanks to the advertising.
On a sunny autumn day, Julia and Martin take a relaxed stroll through downtown Düsseldorf. They are looking forward to their first child in March. As they pass the shop window of a baby outfitter, they decide to look around for their first baby equipment. They go to the stroller department and discover an advisor on a touch display. After a few questions about usage and their preferences, they have narrowed down their options and decide to buy a baby carriage straight away. Next to the display is a button labeled "Call employee", which Julia presses. Annette, an expert in baby carriages and initial equipment at the baby outfitter, receives a push message on her smartphone via the InStore Assistant and rushes to the stroller area. Together with Julia and Martin, she discusses the details that the couple entered in the product advisor. An hour later, Julia and Martin have found their perfect stroller and ordered it from Annette. Annette suggests creating a wish list for the baby shower and the birth to avoid duplicate gifts. Julia and Martin leave the store happy and make their way home. Once home, Julia informs her family and friends about the baby wish list. She opens the KIra web app by scanning the QR code on her receipt. All the selected items on the gift list are displayed here, including their current status. All products are still available as no one has bought from the wish list yet. Julia uses the "Share link" button to send the virtual gift list to her loved ones. They can now easily shop in the baby outfitter's online store.
In all three scenarios, it becomes clear how the use of digital signage and connected technologies can revolutionize the retail shopping experience. From the provision of relevant information and interactive experiences to support through personalized advice and advertising opportunities, the digitalization of the point of sale offers a wide range of benefits for customers and retailers alike.