Bütema now offers Retail Media
Retail media is currently the fastest growing form of advertising. This refers to advertising measures that are placed directly in retailers' points of sale in order to address specific target groups and increase sales. This includes adverts on marketplaces as well as in-store solutions such as apps and digital signage displays.
This is a revolutionary development, particularly in the area of retail solutions. Retailers now have the opportunity to monetise digital advertising space in retail by selling ad space to brands and companies. This technology not only gives retailers the chance to generate additional revenue, but also offers brands the unique opportunity to address their target groups directly at the point of sale.
The advantages of retail media in the digital signage sector are manifold. By skilfully integrating data analysis and targeting, advertisers can send customised messages to customers who are already in the shop. This not only makes it possible to address the target group directly, but also increases the relevance and effectiveness of the advertising.
Thanks to the integration of FRAMEN GmbH into Bütema's digital signage solution, retail media is now also available in our retail solutions. FRAMEN, as a content distribution platform for screens in semi-public spaces, enables customers to sell in-store advertising space, whether on the KIra app or digital signage displays, to selected, suitable industry-related third parties. This groundbreaking integration not only opens up a new era in the monetisation of retail media, but also offers an innovative way to amortise the costs of retail solutions.
It is crucial that the advertising is specifically tailored to the target group. For example, a baby and children's outfitter could sell advertising space to home helpers, language support, and tutoring programmes.
Visit us at EuroCIS 2024 in Hall 9, Stand A25 and find out more about Retail Media!