KIra - Seamless Shopping on a new level
In an ever-evolving retail landscape, retailers need to adapt their strategies to meet the needs of their customers. One solution that has proven highly successful in recent years is omnichannel sales. A 2020 survey by Rakuten Advertising found that 66% of German consumers have already had an omnichannel shopping experience. According to a 2020 survey by the German Retail Association (HDE), 42% of retailers surveyed said they had already implemented an omnichannel strategy. This is where KIra comes in. With KIra, customers can seamlessly buy products from on- and offline inventories. In this blog post, we'll look at this in more detail and find out how retailers are managing to take omnichannel to the next level.
Omnichannel statistics on the rise
The rise of omnichannel sales is unmistakable. According to a study by BigCommerce, 67% of customers already use at least two channels for their purchases. Consumers today expect a consistent experience across all channels, whether in brick-and-mortar shops, online or mobile. With KIra, retailers can capitalise on this trend and offer their customers exactly what they are looking for - a seamless omnichannel shopping experience.
Seamless Shopping
Seamless shopping refers to the seamless shopping experience where the transition between different channels (online, mobile, brick-and-mortar shops) is smooth. With KIra as a personal shopping assistant, customers have the possibility to access real-time information on products in the stationary shop via their smartphone. Whether the products are available in the stationary shop or in the online shop is irrelevant. KIra helps customers find exactly what they are looking for - seamlessly. In addition, according to the Google Omnichannel Excellence Study from 2022, 57% of Germans are willing to scan a QR code to get more information about a product.
The benefit for retailers
Retailers have a decisive advantage with KIra: they can sell products to their customers not only in the branch but also online. By using KIra as a link between online and offline inventory, retailers can offer their customers a wider range of products and promote sales at the same time. Customers can find and buy products that are not available online in-store with the help of KIra - and vice versa. This enables greater customer loyalty and increases sales. Ultimately, this allows retailers to strengthen their competitiveness and differentiate themselves from online-only retailers.
KIra is a powerful tool that enables retailers to take omnichannel to a new level. The seamless shopping experience offered by KIra is not just a trend, but a necessity to meet customer expectations. By integrating online and offline inventory, retailers can offer their customers a wider product selection and increase sales. The future of retail lies in a harmonious marriage of technology and personal experience - and KIra is at the forefront of this.